Webinar 2 – High-level technical screening of promising CCUS value chains
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Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 14:00 to 15:00
14:00 - 15:00 CEST
As part of the CCUS ZEN project, high-level technical mapping have been carried out for two regions the Baltic Sea region and the Mediterranean Sea region.
In this webinar we presented some results from the mapping, and gave an overall overview of methodologies used covering emission sources, storage sites, transport infrastructures, utilisation options and renewables.
Ane Elisabet Lothe is Research Manager for the Reservoir and Geology Group at SINTEF and is the Work Package 1 leader in the CCUS ZEN project. Her field of research is primary on CO2 storage, pressure and capacity modelling.
She holds a PhD in structural geology from University of Bergen and has been working at SINTEF since 1998 in different positions. Currently, she is leading a knowledge-building project named Big Pressure on hybrid modelling and pore pressure prediction, and is work package leader in an international Marie Curie project on discontinuities in the subsurface towards CO2 storage (Disco2Store).
Betül Yıldırım
Betül Yıldırım is an Assistant Professor at Middle East Technical University (METU), Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering. She is also involved in the team of Petroleum Research Center (METU), which is one of the partners in CCUS ZEN project.
She holds B.Sc. degrees both in Mining Engineering and in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering from METU, an M.Sc. degree in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering from METU, and a PhD degree in Earth Science and Engineering from Imperial College, London. Her field of research is primarily on reservoir geomechanics, unconventional oil and gas resources, and carbon capture and storage (CCS).
14:00 - 15:00 CEST
As part of the CCUS ZEN project, high-level technical mapping have been carried out for two regions the Baltic Sea region and the Mediterranean Sea region.
In this webinar we presented some results from the mapping, and gave an overall overview of methodologies used covering emission sources, storage sites, transport infrastructures, utilisation options and renewables.
Chair: Richard Lo Bianco, SCCS
Ane Elisabet Lothe
Ane Elisabet Lothe is Research Manager for the Reservoir and Geology Group at SINTEF and is the Work Package 1 leader in the CCUS ZEN project. Her field of research is primary on CO2 storage, pressure and capacity modelling.
She holds a PhD in structural geology from University of Bergen and has been working at SINTEF since 1998 in different positions. Currently, she is leading a knowledge-building project named Big Pressure on hybrid modelling and pore pressure prediction, and is work package leader in an international Marie Curie project on discontinuities in the subsurface towards CO2 storage (Disco2Store).
Betül Yıldırım
Betül Yıldırım is an Assistant Professor at Middle East Technical University (METU), Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering. She is also involved in the team of Petroleum Research Center (METU), which is one of the partners in CCUS ZEN project.
She holds B.Sc. degrees both in Mining Engineering and in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering from METU, an M.Sc. degree in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering from METU, and a PhD degree in Earth Science and Engineering from Imperial College, London. Her field of research is primarily on reservoir geomechanics, unconventional oil and gas resources, and carbon capture and storage (CCS).