Through rigorous technical mapping and value chain analyses performed in the previous steps of the CCUS ZEN project, two promising CCUS value chains have been identified, each tailored to the unique characteristics of the Baltic Sea and Mediterranean Sea regions.
Latest events
Webinar 5 - Detailed development plans of two selected CCUS Value Chains for the Baltic and Mediterranean Sea Regions

Past events
Webinar 4 - CCUS ZEN Framework for Selection of Prospective CCUS Value Chains and Developing Project of Common Interests (PCI)

The main objectives of the study were to identify the most promising CCUS value chains in the Baltic and Mediterranean regions based on SWOT analysis and to establish a generic framework for the selection of the most prospective CCUS value chains, based on the high-level screening methodology presented in WP1 (Gravaud, 2024) and integrated with analyses of nontechnical parameters studied by WP2 (Honegger et al, 2024 ).

The CCUS ZEN project had 4 abstracts accepted at the upcoming GHGT-17 Conference that will take place between the 20-24 October 2024, in Calgary, Canada. The project will be represented at the conference with the following:
Webinar 3 - The social, economic, political, and legal dimensions of developing carbon management infrastructure in Europe

14:00 - 15:00 CEST
This webinar presented the non-technical challenges that Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) faces across social, economic, political and legal dimensions. Some of these are cross-cutting – for example, when it comes to public trust, regulation, MRV, and accounting, where the clarity of responsibilities and coordination through private contracts needs to be in place. The value-chain partners and regulatory entities involved need to find and operationalise common approaches.
HERCCULES and CCUS ZEN projects Dissemination Event

EU Horizon Europe projects HERCCULES & CCUS ZEN would like to invite you to a dissemination event on CO2 capture, transport, use and storage (CCUS)
The event will take place at Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate tee 5, Room NRG-226, and will feature speakers from:
- Rambol
- TalTech
- IOM Law
Download the pre-event Press Release
Webinar 2 – High-level technical screening of promising CCUS value chains

14:00 - 15:00 CEST
As part of the CCUS ZEN project, high-level technical mapping have been carried out for two regions the Baltic Sea region and the Mediterranean Sea region.
In this webinar we presented some results from the mapping, and gave an overall overview of methodologies used covering emission sources, storage sites, transport infrastructures, utilisation options and renewables.
Webinar 1 - Introducing CCUS ZEN

14:00 - 15:00 CEST
CCUS ZEN is exploring the potential for accelerating deployment of CCUS in two regions with lower maturity level for CCUS — the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean Sea — compared to the current development in the North Sea region.
CCUS ZEN Project Meeting: How to make a CCUS value chain fly

The next CCUS ZEN project meeting, How to make a CCUS value chain fly, will be held in Madrid on the 21-22 February.
Venue:Hyatt Regency Hesperia Madrid. Paseo de la Castellana, 57. Madrid, 28046 Spain
We will have a combination of presentations, interactive discussions, and opportunity for networking. There will be presentations from the project as well as from stakeholders in CCUS.

The bi-annual Trondheim CCS Conference series is a leading scientific CCS technology conference. Since its inception in 2003, the conference has developed to become a globally important meeting place for over 400 CCS experts. The conference typically has 150 oral presentations, five or six parallel sessions, over 100 posters and world-leading keynote speakers. The 12th conference, TCCS-12, will build on the heritage of the previous conferences, and will be held June 19-21, 2023, in Trondheim, Norway.
2nd European Underground Energy Storage Workshop

To find out more about this event, including the agenda and registration, click the link below
Upcoming and past events are available below.