Webinar 1 - Introducing CCUS ZEN

Tuesday, April 23, 2024 - 14:00 to 15:00

14:00 - 15:00 CEST

CCUS ZEN is exploring the potential for accelerating deployment of CCUS in two regions with lower maturity level for CCUS — the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean Sea — compared to the current development in the North Sea region.

This webinar introduced the CCUS ZEN project, an international partnership that brings together 14 partners with considerable expertise in CCUS, including leading industrial and research organisations, as well as a growing number of network partners from across Europe representing stakeholders along the whole value chain. Project Coordinator Eirik Falck da Silva presented the project work packages and gave an overview of the project objectives that are building a coherent ecosystem of CCUS actors in Europe through cooperation and knowledge sharing between a variety of CCUS stakeholders in three different European regions. 




Speaker: Eirik Falck da Silva

Eirik Falck da Silva is Research Manager in SINTEF and the coordinator of the CCUS ZEN project. His field of research is primarily solvent based CO2 capture. 
He holds a PhD in the field of CO2 capture from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. His technical background is in physical chemistry and chemical engineering. Eirik has held positions as Senior Research Scientist at SINTEF, Program Manager Gas Treating R & D at Shell and Senior CO2 Scientist at TotalEnergies. 

He has been an important contributor to the development of Aker Carbon Capture's CO2 capture technology and the Cesar 1 capture technology.