About the Zero Emission Network

Accelerating the deployment of CCUS throughout Europe 

CCUS ZEN enables knowledge sharing between different stakeholders and between European regions to support full chain development of CCUS.

By drawing on learnings from ongoing and past projects, CCUS ZEN aims to build a coherent ecosystem of CCUS actors capable of decarbonising Europe’s industry and delivering the European Union’s climate target plan. 

Industry Clusters

CCUS ZEN is exploring the potential for enabling CCUS value chain deployment in the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean Sea regions.


Access a range of shared knowledge, experience and advice to help drive forward CCUS deployment in Europe.

CCUS in Europe

Find out how CCUS technology works, why Europe needs its rapid delivery and what progress has already been made.

Latest news & events

Webinar 5 - Detailed development plans of two selected CCUS Value Chains for the Baltic and Mediterranean Sea Regions

Through rigorous technical mapping and value chain analyses performed in the previous steps of the CCUS ZEN project, two promising CCUS value chains have been identified, each tailored to the unique characteristics of the Baltic Sea and Mediterranean Sea regions. 

Webinar 4 flyer
Webinar 4 - CCUS ZEN Framework for Selection of Prospective CCUS Value Chains and Developing Project of Common Interests (PCI)

The main objectives of the study were to identify the most promising CCUS value chains in the Baltic and Mediterranean regions based on SWOT analysis and to establish a generic framework for the selection of the most prospective CCUS value chains, based on the high-level screening methodology presented in WP1 (Gravaud, 2024) and integrated with analyses of nontechnical parameters studied by WP2 (Honegger et al, 2024 ).


The CCUS ZEN project had 4 abstracts accepted at the upcoming GHGT-17 Conference that will take place between the 20-24 October 2024, in Calgary, Canada. The project will be represented at the conference with the following: