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SCCS (The University of Edinburgh)

University of Edinburgh and SCCS logos


SCCS is the largest CCS research group in the UK, providing a single point of coordination for CCS research, from capture engineering and geoscience to social perceptions and environmental impact through to law and petroleum economics.

Our internationally renowned researchers provide connected strength across the full CCS chain. With our unique position SCCS is able to act as the conduit between academia, industry and government.

SCCS has access to cutting-edge experimental and analytical facilities, expertise in field studies, modelling and simulation, key academic and research personnel to accelerate the development of CO2transportation, capture and subsurface storage. We undertake strategic fundamental research and are also available for consultancy. In addition, we perform a key role in providing impartial advice to industry, the public sector, government agencies, and policy makers.

Founded in 2005, SCCS is a partnership of the British Geological Survey, Heriot-Watt University, the University of Aberdeen, the University of Edinburgh, the University of Glasgow and the University of Strathclyde working together with universities across Scotland. Our current funding has been provided by the Scottish Government, SFC and Scottish Enterprise.

SCCS is leading CCUS ZEN’s WP5 - Knowledge sharing, Communication and Dissemination, and analysing the economic aspects of CCUS (WP2 task). SCCS is also contributing to the delivery of tasks in WP1, WP3 and WP6.